Status in the family background of a financially independent wife.

Why should you be an economically independent wife?

Katie Barbara
3 min readAug 15, 2021
Photo by Jens Lindner on Unsplash

Many weak and insecure men prefer to marry women who do not have financial independence.

One reason is that for women who do not have financial independence, marriage is a safe economic model for their future lives. It is easy for men suffering from inferiority complex to control women within this economic model. That is the truth.

That is to say; such women stay in their marriages thinking of economic security even if they do not have love or happiness. For many men who do not know how to love and maintain satisfaction in a relationship, this guarantee of economic security is the last trump card.

As a result, many women end up stuck in long-term relationships that they do not want to have. Sometimes it’s a trap that stays stuck for a lifetime.

Is it possible to change this bitter truth that has been entrenched in some parts of the world for so long? My answer is “yes.”

But for that, we need to change how we think about life, relationships, and financial independence.



Katie Barbara

Business Adviser, Author of blessed minds. Freelance writer, Motivational speaker.