How the Aura spreads from our body

Do you know what an Aura is?

Katie Barbara
5 min readJul 8, 2021
Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Aura is a cloud-like radiant ring around our body. It is also known as an energy field.

Like every living thing, this radiant ring surrounds an object, generally in a person’s body. This brilliant ring extends around 30–40 m. The range of spiritually advanced people here can be huge.

In 1939, a scientist named Semyon Kirlian was engaged in research related to photography. High-voltage plates were used, and one of the scientist’s hands went between the plates by accident. He then examined the photographs and was amazed at what he saw. His hand was marked on the film. At the same time, there was an aura around his arm. This was the birth of Kirlian, a photographer. Today, the technology is advanced with the use of voltage frequency and electromagnetic fields.

When a leaf of a tree branch is removed, and the unit is photographed according to this method, the rays are recorded along with the removed plate. Because of this, this methodology is at the forefront of many new discoveries about the subtle body of living things. Observations from these photographs have shown that the human body emits different colored auras of different colors at other senses.

Can’t the naked eye see these auras?



Katie Barbara

Business Adviser, Author of blessed minds. Freelance writer, Motivational speaker.